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Against Missionary I

 "Bèrith Ḥaðôshôh"

(Jeremiah 31:30-33)

    Let me introduce myself before we have a deeper look on this topic. I'm Shemayah [not my real name.] I came from a conservative Christian family and been taught Christianity since I was a kid. But suddenly there's a big turn in my life. I found the Truth. Causing me to leave Christianity and following the path of Torah, I'm a Noahide and currently following Nosach Teimani and Ashkenazi. In my blogs I will talk about Judaism, and how to answer most of the Missionaries false claims about Yeshu HaNotzri, and verses in the Tanach that's claimed to be talking about Yeshu.

    Let's start by talking about "Bèrith Ḥaðôshôh" or "New Testament" that's written in Jeremiah 31:30. Most people would refer the phrase to Christian's New Testament, but did Prophet Jeremiah was talking about the Christian's New Testament? The answer is a big no.  He wasn't talking about the Christian's New Testament

    Christian's New Testament is filled with gospels, epistles, etc. Bunch of Christians would probably say that "The Torah was made by Moses for Israel and none of them came from G-d, and since JC has come to this world, that law is no longer needed and all humanity is saved by believing in JC." Simply, like making a tweet using #CANCELTORAH on Twitter.

    This argument however, doesn't make any sense. Why? The Torah is for Israel, and it's eternal , and nothing will cancel the Torah. Since it's not for the entire humanity, then what do non-Jews get when they died? Simply, they got what they deserve, when they followed 7 Noahide Laws, and did good deeds, they'll merit the The World To Come, and the same perimeter is used if one don't follow the 7 Noahide laws and do good deeds, which means they'll be punished, and will not merit The World To Come.

    This will contradict the statement "You should do the Torah to go to the Heaven, that's why JC came for us." The Lubavitcher Rebbe said that, "Non-Jews can merit The World To Come by doing 7 Noahide Laws." This has a strong base on the Talmud, which contradict their claim. So Non-Jews don't have to do the Torah, except they wanted to join the Nation of Israel. Anyway, that's just a sweetener, let's proceed to the main point. 

[I will need to make another part to answer the claim, saying Moses made the Torah.]

    So, what's inside the "New Testament/New Covenant"? It's TORAH! The Holy One Blessed Be He was talking about Renewal of the covenant in the end of the days! It's written on verse 32 saying "I will place My Torah [Törôthi] in their midst and I will inscribe it upon their hearts." It's not some sort of New Torah [chas v'shalom], but rather it's the same Torah we have today, which later The Holy One Blessed Be He would place it in our midst and will inscribe it upon our hearts. Not some sort of new laws. Those who said either the Torah was made by Moses or there's a replacement of Mitzvah are called "Köfér BaTörôh" [Hilchos Teshuvah 3:8].

    In conclusion, the verse was talking neither about the Christian's New Testament nor new Torah, but rather talking about the New Covenant which will be formed in the end of the days with Israel, not some sort of Besorah [gospel] nor Iggrot [Epistles]. It's talking about  Torah in the end of the days which will be placed in out midst and inscribed in upon out hears! If verse 30 was talking about Christian's New Testament [chas v'shalom] then it'll be contradict the next verse [verse 32].
