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Against Missionary V

  Can the Torah be done by anyone? BS"D      One of the most common question that I found, that have been asked by people for months is Can the Holy Torah be done by anyone? Isn't it too hard?             In the past I went to meet a Christian priest, he tried to convince me to announce Christianity, but I refuse, and one of his statement is that  "the Torah is too hard, no one could ever done that through out their entire life, there's 613 commandments. I bet even Moses can't fulfill the entire Torah. That's why our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ came down, to tell us to renounce the Torah and replace it with a 'New Torah', in other words the gospel!"        It's hilarious to hear this kind of statement. It's a proof that they're being ignorance of what's written in the holy Torah! Furthermore, it shows that they don't understand their "Bible" completely. Let me explain by breaking it down into several point...
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Against Missionary IV

  Memra D'Hashem - Word of Hashem Genesis 3:8 Targum Yonathan on Genesis 3:8      Have you ever heard the term of The Word of Hashem  in Aramaic? It's Memra D'Hashem. Most Christian would relate this to their New Tastement that it's talking about The Word a.k.a Ho Logos a.k.a Yeshu.      But does it necessarily referring to him? Of course not! And how do we know that and how do we prove that? There's several vital point we need to look first; 1. The Purpose of the Targum     Targum [lit. Translation] is the translation of the Torah into common language of listeners that don't speak Hebrew.  There's several example of Targumim; Targum Onqelos, Targum Yonathan (Midrashic Targum), Tafsir Rasag / Targum Rav Saadia Gaon, etc.     Despite only being a translation, it also might contain interpretations , to make the verse to become clearer to the listeners/readers and avoid misunderstandings. 2. The Background of the Targum ...

Against Missionary III

             The Suffering Servant        How is it going y'all? I've been busy recently, I'm so sorry for not uploading more. Anyway Chanukkah Sameach to y'all!     Regarding 'The Suffering Servant' in Isaiah 53, is it referring to the Christian's god ? Several people claims that they were Jewish and when they read Isaiah 53 they're shock for it's "talking" about Yeshu. But is it true? Or is it just hoax?            It's basically a hoax, for it's not talking about Yeshu, rather it's talking about `Am Yisrôél! And how do we know the fact that it's talking about `Am Yisrôél? We need to take a look to several chapters behind. Who's "The Servant"?      Before going deeper into the topic, we need question this question first. Who's "The Servant"? And to know this we can look at Isaiah 42:1 first, הֵן עַבְדִּי אֶתְמָךְ בּוֹ בְּחִירִי רָצְתָה נַפְשִׁי נָתַתִּי רוּחִי עָל...

Against Missionary II

 Ruwaḥ Älöhim (Bereshit 1:3) וְהָאָרֶץ הָיְתָה תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ וְחשֶׁךְ עַל פְּנֵי תְהוֹם וְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים מְרַחֶפֶת עַל פְּנֵי הַמָּיִם JPS,     And the earth being unformed and void [astonishingly empty], and the darkness over the surface of the deep, and the wind from G-d sweeping over the water --        Seems that some people are still confused about this one. Although it's not that hard to understand this part. But since most Christians would probably say that this verse is talking about "The Trinity" or "This is Holy Ghost.", etc. It's a simple grammar in Lashon HaKodesh. Ruwaḥ (רוח) doesn't only necessarily referring to "Spirit" but instead, it's it's also referring to "wind", "breath", and in other case it also can be referring to the "Shekhinah". How do we know these are facts? Let's us take a look at 3:8 :     וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ אֶת־קֹול יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים מִתְהַלֵּךְ בַּגָּן לְרוּחַ הַיֹּום וַיִּ...

Against Missionary I

  "Bèrith Ḥaðôshôh" (Jeremiah 31:30-33)     Let me introduce myself before we have a deeper look on this topic. I'm Shemayah [not my real name.] I came from a conservative Christian family and been taught Christianity since I was a kid. But suddenly there's a big turn in my life. I found the Truth. Causing me to leave Christianity and following the path of Torah, I'm a Noahide and currently following Nosach Teimani and Ashkenazi. In my blogs I will talk about Judaism, and how to answer most of the Missionaries false claims about Yeshu HaNotzri, and verses in the Tanach that's claimed to be talking about Yeshu.      Let's start by talking about "Bèrith Ḥaðôshôh" or "New Testament" that's written in Jeremiah 31:30. Most people would refer the phrase to Christian's New Testament, but did Prophet Jeremiah was talking about the Christian's New Testament? The answer is a big no.  He wasn't talking about the Christian's New...