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Showing posts from July, 2022

Against Missionary V

  Can the Torah be done by anyone? BS"D      One of the most common question that I found, that have been asked by people for months is Can the Holy Torah be done by anyone? Isn't it too hard?             In the past I went to meet a Christian priest, he tried to convince me to announce Christianity, but I refuse, and one of his statement is that  "the Torah is too hard, no one could ever done that through out their entire life, there's 613 commandments. I bet even Moses can't fulfill the entire Torah. That's why our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ came down, to tell us to renounce the Torah and replace it with a 'New Torah', in other words the gospel!"        It's hilarious to hear this kind of statement. It's a proof that they're being ignorance of what's written in the holy Torah! Furthermore, it shows that they don't understand their "Bible" completely. Let me explain by breaking it down into several point...