Memra D'Hashem - Word of Hashem Genesis 3:8 Targum Yonathan on Genesis 3:8 Have you ever heard the term of The Word of Hashem in Aramaic? It's Memra D'Hashem. Most Christian would relate this to their New Tastement that it's talking about The Word a.k.a Ho Logos a.k.a Yeshu. But does it necessarily referring to him? Of course not! And how do we know that and how do we prove that? There's several vital point we need to look first; 1. The Purpose of the Targum Targum [lit. Translation] is the translation of the Torah into common language of listeners that don't speak Hebrew. There's several example of Targumim; Targum Onqelos, Targum Yonathan (Midrashic Targum), Tafsir Rasag / Targum Rav Saadia Gaon, etc. Despite only being a translation, it also might contain interpretations , to make the verse to become clearer to the listeners/readers and avoid misunderstandings. 2. The Background of the Targum ...