The Suffering Servant How is it going y'all? I've been busy recently, I'm so sorry for not uploading more. Anyway Chanukkah Sameach to y'all! Regarding 'The Suffering Servant' in Isaiah 53, is it referring to the Christian's god ? Several people claims that they were Jewish and when they read Isaiah 53 they're shock for it's "talking" about Yeshu. But is it true? Or is it just hoax? It's basically a hoax, for it's not talking about Yeshu, rather it's talking about `Am Yisrôél! And how do we know the fact that it's talking about `Am Yisrôél? We need to take a look to several chapters behind. Who's "The Servant"? Before going deeper into the topic, we need question this question first. Who's "The Servant"? And to know this we can look at Isaiah 42:1 first, הֵן עַבְדִּי אֶתְמָךְ בּוֹ בְּחִירִי רָצְתָה נַפְשִׁי נָתַתִּי רוּחִי עָל...